Frequently asked questions.
What is an estate sale?
An estate sale is a sale consisting of a substantial portion of the material belongings of a person. It most commonly takes place within the home and can be for reasons relating to the death of a family member, downsizing for retirement or liquidation of assets after a divorce.
What does an estate sale company do?
At Stash Estate Sales, we will sort, organize and price all items in the home with an eye to getting the best price in a short time period. Items are then staged so the customer can see them in the best light. We will provide tables, shelves and display cases as needed. Advertising, social media and email campaigns will be used to ensure maximum turnout. We will provide staff for the preparation as well as the day of the sale. After the sale, you will receive an accounting of the items sold along with a check for the proceeds.
How long is the process?
We ask for minimum of three weeks from start to finish. This will allow us time to organize, price and stage your home as well as photograph the contents for advertising purposes. The schedule can be discussed during our walkthrough.
Where do we begin?
The first step is for us to meet in the home and do a walkthrough with you. At that time, we will discuss what items will and will not be included in the sale as well as discuss possible dates and an overall timeline. If you are ready to schedule this appointment, please contact us here.
What are my responsibilities?
Before turning the property over to our team, we ask of our clients to remove any items they do not wish to sell or place them behind a locked door. We ask that all perishables, toiletries, household chemicals, medicines, alcohol and firearms be removed as well.
What happens to items left after the sale?
Our goal is to liquidate as many of the items in your home as possible; however, there will often be some items left at the end of the sale. We are happy to work with you to determine how to handle these items whether it be bringing in a buyout company or arranging for them to be donated to a local charity.
Do you clean the house after the sale?
We will do our best to liquidate the house of its assets and provide you with as close to an empty house as possible; however, we are not a cleaning service. We are happy to recommend one for you if needed.
What do you charge?
We are paid on commission only—we will never ask for any money up front. It is in our best interest for you to have the most successful sale possible. Our commission is based on a percentage of the final proceeds which is determined after the initial consult.
When and how will I get paid?
After the sale, we will provide you with a detailed accounting of the sale along with a check for the proceeds minus our commission and any additional services that were requested. We will provide these within 10 business days of the end of the sale.
What if I do not enough for an estate sale?
We are happy to discuss online consignment options for individual items.